
28 Oct 2013

In Ghana, An Igbo king is now member of native authority

By MAURICE ARCHIBONG (+2348056180050),

A historic milestone in Ghana-Nigeria relations was clocked on Wednesday,
October 9, 2013; with the induction of Eze ndi Igbo in Ghana, Eze Chukwudi Jude Ihenetu, into the Ga Traditional Council (GTC). Ga are the aborigines of Accra, capital city of Ghana; and, the Greater Accra Region; one of the 10 federating units of this much-loved neighbouring country. Going by the Accra suburb once solely known as Lagos, renamed New Town; Oluwadare House on Kojo Thompson Road, built in 1924, as well as John Abokye House nearby; Enugu House on the Teshie Nungua Road, all in Accra; and, Kano House in Cape Coast; some Nigerian settlers evidently made home in Ghana close to 100 years ago or even earlier.
Despite being part of various Ghanaian societies for centuries, it is doubtful that a Nigerian traditional ruler ever became a member of any native council in that country. However, that proverbial rubicon was finally crossed with the admission of Eze Ihenetu to the Ga Traditional Council, last week. And, the investiture, which threw up much euphoria, was, to put it simply; exciting!
Crossing the Rubicon In his speech, after conferement, Eze Ihenetu aka Igbozurume 1 ; observed: “Today is a special day. It is a date that Igbos in Ghana shall always remember. It is a
day that our descendants will forever be proud of. It is also a date that the Ga who welcomed us with open arms shall
never regret”. Continuing, Ihenetu, who prayed that God should continue to bless Ga rulers with wisdom and resources, so they would always lead their indigenes and foreigners living on
their land well; added that admitting Igbos into Ga Traditional Council is further confirmation of the enviable hospitable disposition of the average Ghanaian. Travels gathered that with this development, Igbos in Ghana have thus become part of the decision making process within the GTC. It is worth recalling that, to whom much is given, much is also expected. The induction therefore had sombre moments, where Eze Igbo said elders of the GTC should feel free to call him or his followers to order, whenever necessary. “Although I am king, in terms of age and experience, I and my people are still children compared to you Therefore, there might be aspects of the culture that we are yet to fully grasp. So, should we ever err, please feel free to correct us”, he intoned. Speaking further, Eze Ihenetu pointed out, that; positive repercussions would follow the endowment of a seat in Ga Traditional Council for Igbos resident in Ghana Alluding to contribution toward community development, this Eze Igbo promised: “Whenever we are called upon, we shall play our part”. Tokens from the rites of passage During the colourful occasion, which was interspersed by several parades of dancers and melodious songs, Eze Igbozurume was presented with a certificate confirming his membership of the Ga Traditional Council. The ceremony also featured, among others pouring of libation, visit to a sacred spot within the palace complex, where lengthy incantations were recited amid pouring of more libation after which Eze and Lolo Ihenetu were offered sips of a drink from that presumed fountain of wisdom. HRH Ibe Nwosu and Eze Uche IC Dimgba, Igbo 1 and Okptemba respectively, who among others travelled to Ghana to witness the august process; and, select few others were also allowed to partake of the special drink from the sacred place, said to be the source from which all powers derive.
Now, a toast to this: It was nice listening to the chorus of, Okorobia di nma, Eze Chuks, Okorobia di nma , anyi sokwa gi n’azu (roughly translated: King Ihenetu, a good man; we’re solidly behind you) by a troupe of Igbo women. But, the concerto became even more soul-lifting through the accompaniments offered by Yoruba minstrels on hand. In deed, this was a touching example of how much Nigeria stands to gain, if her various ethnic/religious groups would join hands and contribute toward national development. And, even this is applicable to countries across various borders, too. ‘Our people are republican’
Nonetheless, it must be pointed out that fear was raised that another Igbo person or group might later come to the Ga Traditional Council to ask for the same privilege accorded Eze Ihenetu. In fact, Eze Ndi Igbo Ikeja and Okpotemba Igbere, Eze Dimgba, personally expressed this view, when he declared: “Before we depart, I want to inform you that our people are republican. Therefore, somebody or another group might come here tomorrow to ask for admission to the GTC, too”. Concluding, Okpotemba , who is also Vice President
(South), Association of Ndi Eze n’uzo ije Worldwide; pleaded: “I hope you will not recognise those ones”. Responding, the Acting President General of GTC, who
spoke through the MC; assured: “That will not happen. It is not possible, given the special rite that has been performed at the sacred spot”. Attendance at The event, which took place inside the Palace of the Ga Mantse in the Kaneshie neighbourhood of the Ghanaian capital attracted hundreds of witnesses Although the Ga hosts and Igbo made up the majority of the crowd, the guests also included Nigerians from other ethnic groups. Apart from numerous Ghana-based Yoruba and Hausa speaking folks, Igbos from the five states in Nigeria’s South-east geopolitical zone; viz: Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo, were all represented.

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