
27 Oct 2013

Wole Soyinka scoops Osun Osogbo water to Osun worshippers in brazil

-In January 2013, he took samples of the Osun River for worshippers in Brazi (see pictures below)l: “I am taking Osun Osogbo water sample to Brazil to the Osun worshippers. We have a lot of black people there and many of them are devotees of Osun, Sango, Obatala, Ogun,
Yemoja and other deities. When I visited the worshippers in Brazil, I found out that they have preserved Yoruba culture, from the liturgies to some of the prayers and even the processions of the devotees. I saw the Iyalorisa of Osun. I saw a bowl of water, which was symbolic of Osun River and I promise them that I would bring them the actual water from Osun.”

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