
14 Nov 2013

The Official British Prime Minister's Redbox

The term "Red box" informally refers to a ministerial box used by ministers in the British government to carry their documents.
Similar in appearance to a briefcase, they are primarily used to hold and transport official departmental
papers from place to place.

Covered in red-stained rams' leather, they are embossed with the Royal Cypher and ministerial title. The 2–3-kilogram boxes are constructed of slow-grown pine, lined with lead and black satin and, unlike a briefcase, the lock is on the bottom, opposite the hinges and the handle, to guarantee that the box is locked before being carried.

The colour red has remained the traditional covering of the boxes. The lead lining, which has been retained in
modern boxes, was once meant to ensure that the box sank when thrown overboard in the event of capture. Also bomb-proof, they are designed to survive any catastrophe that may befall their owner.

The current British PM David Cameron recently forgot the Red box on a train recently sparkling great protests.

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